A Sweet Deal from Hershey


As we all know, candy will be on sale with the after holiday clearance sales coming soon.  This makes it a great time to take advantage of Hershey's latest promotion.  Hershey will give you a free movie ticket (up to $12) when you send in four UPC codes from participating Hershey products.  Any 10oz. or larger packages of:

Hershey Kisses Chocolates
Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Miniatures
Hershey Miniatures Chocolate Bars
York Peppermint Patties

Until June 30, 2010 you can complete this online form to print and mail.  All requests must be post-marked by July 9, 2010.  Once Hershey has received your form and UPC codes, they will email you a code for Fandango worth one ticket to any theater that uses Fandango.  If you are planning to see a 3D movie, please note that the code is only valid for a maximum of $12 so you will have to pay the difference.


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