Possible Great Deal Coming From ING Direct


ING Direct is an online bank that is FDIC insured.  While they don't have many physical stores, you can feel comfortable working with them because of that FDIC status.  Last year in November, they offered new accounts a bonus of $121 if you opened an account on Black Friday.

This month, they have a new promotion coming.  While they haven't released full details yet, it will be coming July 1-2, 2010 to celebrate Independence Day.  As soon as I know the actual promotion I will post here if it's something good.

There is no minimum balance required and all accounts earn interest.  You get a debit/mastercard to use for your everyday purchases and you can find free ATMs in most states.  You can't write checks from the account but you can send checks using their online payment system, which also means they pay for the stamp.

If you are interested in an ING Direct account, I would be happy to send you a referral email.  When you are referred by a current member, you will get an extra $25 bonus for signing up.  Unfortunately the links are customized in the email so I cannot just post a link here for you to get that bonus.  Just drop me a message at Cori@makingcentsofit.com.


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