$5 Movie Tickets on Groupon


Sometimes you can find a great deal on Groupon that is good anywhere. Today, there is such an offer. Change your city to Wichita and you'll find a deal for four movie tickets for $20 good at Fandango or Movietickets.com. The promotion is for weeklycinema.com which normally offers four tickets for $19.99 when you sign up for a monthly subscription. This Groupon will allow you to redeem your four tickets without signing up for that subscription.

The best part?
  • Valid at most movie theaters
  • Can use in one visit or multiple
  • Use for any movie up to $14
  • Good for IMAX, 3-D flicks

The final cost will be $5 each and the tickets can be redeemed up to $14. Enjoy!

UPDATE: Once you purchase your deal package, Weekly Cinema has a special page for you to redeem the code. The link is available on top of their homepage and I'm sure you'll also get it from Groupon.

Source: Mom's By Heart


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