If it was April, I'd call this Google's annual trick. Luckily it's December which means that it is possible to get a free laptop from Google. All they ask in return is that you send them your opinion about the computer and their new operating system.
Google will be shipping out 60,000 prototypes so not everyone that applies will be selected. They are looking for a variety of users from advanced computer knowledge to people that know how to find the power button. They are looking for both young (must be at least 18) and old. So fill out the application and see if you get a free laptop.
From what I understand, Google's OS requires an internet connection however it will come with two years of free 3G data.
Integrated Wi-Fi for home and work, and 3G for all the places in between. 100MB of free 3G data every month* on the Verizon Wireless network. Affordable data plans with no commitment required.
* Free data available for two years from the time you first activate your 3G service
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