Free Books, Music, Movies, and More


This may come as a shock to many of my readers, but there is an amazing place where you can get free books anytime you want. This magical place is called your public library. They still exist and have started going digital. Check your local library to see if they offer eBooks, MP3 audiobooks, and more.

I love the fact that you can take the digital content with you on either an iPod or Nook. It's similar to iTunes rentals which stop working after a set amount of time.  My eBooks are good for 21 days (three weeks) but can always be re-downloaded if needed.

Before buying an eReader, check with your local library. I know that the file type my library offers will work with almost all eReaders but there is one very popular brand which cannot play the files.  I won't say which brand won't work, but I know you've all heard me rave about my Nook and how I can't live without it.


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