Free $10 Amazon Giftcard When You Review a Summercamp


Did you go to camp as a kid?  It doesn't matter if it was an eight week sleep-a-way or a YMCA summer program. CampEasy wants to hear your reviews.  When you review any summer camp, CampEasy will send you a free $10 giftcard.

We know summer is a busy time and between the back-and-forths to camp, sports practices and regular errands… it’s a wonder summer is called a “break”! So we’ll keep this short and sweet.

When you submit a review for your favorite camp on CampEasy between July 16, 2012 and July 23, 2012 at midnight EST, we’ll send you a $10 Amazon Gift Card. Your reviews will help millions more parents find and plan camps for their kids, and will help great camps show off their programs!

Source: Hip2Save


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