Free Pancakes at Perkins Today (September 15, 2012)


Today is Perkins annual Give Kids the World Pancake Day. They will give everyone a free short stack of pancakes today only (September 15, 2012). The hope of this promotion is that you will have some extra change in your wallet to donate to this great cause. Please consider making a donation even if it's small.

If you've never heard of Give Kids the World, it's a resort in central Florida which helps children with terminal illnesses and their families enjoy the magic that Florida has to offer. The resort is located near Disney, Universal, Sea World, and more. Families never have to pay for this opportunity and often the travel arrangements can be made in less than 48-hours.

Give Kids the World opened in 1989 after a small child wished to see Walt Disney World but past away before the travel plans could be finalized. It's a great place where sick children can forget their illnesses and just enjoy being a child for a while.


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