Replacement Ideas for Google Reader


If you're like me, you've been frantically looking for a new website to use when Google Reader shuts down July 1, 2013. There are a few options but so far nothing has really hit me as a great replacement. I feel that it will just take time for us to get use to a new format.

Feedly - Feedly has a very similiar feel to Google Reader and is free to use. You can even transfer your Google Reader feeds and tags with one click of the "Import Your Google Reader" button.

Diggs - Diggs has announced that they are beta testing a new reader to replace Google Reader. It will hopefully be open to everyone before July 1, 2013.

If you know of any other good readers that will satisfy the Google Reader fans, please share them in the comment section.

Remember you can always catch the greatest deals on Facebook and Twitter.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Why does Google Reader will be shut down on July 1? What happened anyway?

Cori said...

Google decided to stop Google Reader. I can't answer for their reasoning but I know that based on the internet's response people are not happy. I have been using Google Reader for a few years.
I started using Feedly last week and so far I'm impressed with it.

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