Free $5 Credit for Books on the Nook App (New Users Only)


You don't need a dedicated eReader to enjoy the convenience of eBooks. Download the free Nook App from Barnes and Noble to enjoy eBooks on any device. Right now, Barnes and Nobles is offering a $5 credit for new users when they download the app onto any device and create an account.
New Android and iOS customers who register a account, download and login to the NOOK Reading App for Android or iOS between 9:00am Eastern time March 3, 2015 and 2:59am Eastern time March 30, 2015 will receive a $5 promotional credit automatically delivered to the customer's NOOK account. The $5 credit must be redeemed before 2:59 AM ET on April 7th, 2015.

Credit will be delivered to the customer's NOOK account within approximately two (2) days after app download and account registration. All promotional credits received pursuant to this offer will expire at 2:59 AM ET on April 7th, 2015. Valid credit card registration is required to redeem this offer. Offer is not valid at Barnes & Noble bookstores. Offer may not be combined with any other promotion or discount and is subject to change or discontinuation without notice. No cash value. Void where prohibited.


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