This is a great new website if you are the type to see movies in the theater. Weekly Cinema is a subscription service that offers you four Fandango promotional codes (four tickets) each month for $19.99. That means that each ticket is only $5. Each code is valid for up to $14 so if you are seeing iMax, 3D, or live in an expensive area, you might have to pay the difference but it's still a great saving.
To let you try their site, Weekly Cinema is offering a free three day trial that includes one free ticket. You will be asked for your credit card information for the subscription but if you cancel before the three days is up, you will not be charged for any tickets.
The only problem I can see with this site is that my favorite theater uses MovieTickets.com, not Fandango. So before you sign up, make sure that you can purchase tickets for your theater through Fandango.
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