Shared Reading: Getting More Space on a Flight


I love traveling but I hate feeling cramped on a flight. Life Hacker has a great tip that can hopefully lead to extra room in coach so that you can save money on that upgrade.
If you're booking tickets with a friend or family member, you probably look for two seats together, but a better strategy is to book an aisle and a window seat in the same row. People don't like to sit in the middle, so that will probably be one of the last seats booked—meaning if the flight isn't full, you have a chance of having an empty seat next to you, with room to stretch out a bit. And, if someone does book that middle seat, they'd be more than happy to trade with you so you can sit next to your travel buddy (since, again, no one wants to sit in the middle).
This is a great idea because by getting that extra seat, you won't be squashed and you'll get that extra tray table too. If you're watching a movie, you'll be able to put the computer, iPad, etc between you.

So what do you think? Have you tried something like this before? Leave a comment below.


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