If you have a pet, you know that microchips are a popular way to protect your dog (or cat) if he goes missing. Microchips are not a GPS system and will not give you the exact location of your missing pet, but they are extremely handy in reuniting a lost pet with its family.
Almost all shelters and vets have a scanner so when an animal is brought in, the first thing they do is scan for a chip. The scanner will display a unique code which can then be entered in a microchip database to retrieve the owner's information. That's a problem though because statistics show that not every owner has submitted or updated their information in the databases.
When you first have your pet microchipped at either the vet or a clinic, they should give you paperwork on how to register and update the data associated with the chip. Check the paperwork and if you're unsure about the procedure, call the 800-number associated with the company. Some chips come with no registration information, some come with a free year of registration, and others include lifetime registration. It depends on the brand, package, and other factors.
To help you decide which company to register your pet with, I have provided a few options. These are not the only companies around but they are the most common. Remember, you only need to register your pet's microchip with one service.
American Kennel Club Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR) - Offers lifetime registration for only $17.50 ($19.95 if you register by mail). You can upgrade your package to include poison control ($15 lifetime).
Microchip Registration Center - Offers lifetime registration for $19.95.
Home Again - Has an annual fee of $17.99. Includes additional service such as airfare if your dog is found over 500 miles away from home.
Whatever company you register your pet's microchip with please make sure you keep the information up-to-date. You don't like to think about the what ifs however it's important to have things taken care of before an emergency happens.
Do you have any tips for pet owners? A heartwarming story about pet recovery? Please feel free to share a comment with our other readers.
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