Reader Request: A Making Cents of It Feature


Are you looking for a specific item and don't know where to start?  Is there a website you've heard of and want to know if it's legit?  Is there another topic you would be interested in reading about on Making Cents of It?  Feel free to send me an email at and I'll try to help.  I can't guarantee results since I'm not perfect, but I will try to help steer you in the correct direction.

If you are looking for something generic, such as a tv or computer, it will be easier for me to find you deals than if you are looking for a specific model.  Please try to give me basic details of what you want so I can help narrow down the choices.  For example, do not just write "I need a new TV."  Try writing "I was hoping you can help me find a good deal on a 42" TV."

Please note that as my mailbox fills up, I will not be able to respond to every request.  If this becomes the case, I will choose the requests that will benefit the most readers.  Thank you in advance for your understanding regarding this topic.


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