Unless you've been living under a rock, by now you have most likely heard Ellen DeGeneres' plea to end bullying.
While her message has gone viral, this issue has been affecting kids and adults for generations and it truly does need to stop.
I recently discovered a news story that gave me hope in American's youth.
A young boy with Down Syndrome was able play on his high school's varsity football team, practicing with them everyday. When the other team was up 35-0 he scored a touchdown. The players from the other school worked to make it feel real without actually tackling the boy. He ran 51-yards to score his first varsity touchdown.
While it might be his only touchdown, and his team still lost 35-6, it just shows how easy it was for the other players to be kind. His team could have refused to let him join the team and the other team could have refused to give up a touchdown when they were already winning by such a large spread. These high school students helped make one person's dream a reality.
I know that this post doesn't really go with the theme of Making Cents of It, but as a teacher bullying is an important issue to me. Please think about how, even now as an adult, bullying has affected your life and help to end it in your community. Bullying is a learned behavior and while you might not be around children daily, they see these actions everywhere. So hold a door open, say thank you, and just be a good person. Together, we can help set good examples everywhere.
There are currently some Facebook events listed stating that on October 20, 2010, everyone should wear purple to support an end to bullying. Please consider wearing a purple shirt. Thank you!
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