Lately I have been striking out with movies. First I had those issues (now resolved) with Weekly Cinema and now I couldn't use my masterful power of persuasion to get passes for the upcoming advanced screening of Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows.
Even without getting the promo code for the passes, I wanted to remind everyone that GoFoBo is a great website for finding free screenings of movies before they reach public release. While more popular films like HP require a promotional code from a sponsor (think radio contests) other screenings are available to first come, first serve members.
GoFoBo is a free site that helps get audiences for advanced screenings. You can join fan groups for different actors, genres, etc and you'll get emails when there is a preview that relates to your interests.
I am still working to secure a ticket to the screening for HP from one of the sponsors because I had so much fun at the screening of Eclipse
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