Have You Tried DealPulp Yet?


DealPlup is a new social shopping experience that only offers online and nationwide deals. They also host a daily contest called Still Ripening where you can guess the next deal. If you guess correctly, you have the chance to win a $20 credit to the site. They cover the logo of the upcoming deal so you can still see part of it.

It's normally difficult to figure out but the other day I was very lucky and was able to see the top of a red logo and the bottom of what looked like DVDs. Using the magic of Google I figured out the site and made my guess. Today I got an email that I won and they added $20 to my account. I can't wait for a deal to come around that I can use. They had HP.com about two weeks ago so hopefully I'll get some pretty cool stuff.

I highly recommend joining DealPulp because it's another great site to help you save money.


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