PSA: Wear Sunscreen and Protect Your Skin


A friend of mine just posted the following video on Facebook and when I watched it, I thought that it was something I wanted to share with my readers. In the past you've seen me post offers for free spray tans and consumer reports about sun screen. It is so important to protect yourself when you're young, because that's when the most damage is done to your skin.

I personally love sitting on the beach with a good book, but I always wear sunscreen and reapply often. Remember to apply your sunscreen at least fifteen minutes before going out for the day.
Most adults should use about 35 ml or 1 oz. of sunscreen to cover their whole body. That's the same amount that would fit into a shot glass. It's also about the same as an adult handful. Remember, most people don't apply enough sunscreen. It's OK to use more than you think you should. (Source:

Skin cancer is one that is easy to catch early if you pay attention but spreads really fast. Keep an eye out for changes on your skin and see a doctor if something looks concerning.

For more information, check out The Skin Cancer Foundation.

Source: David Cornfield Melanoma Fund


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