Right now, you can get a great deal on Hasbro games at Target. Both Coupons.com and Target.com have coupons for Hasbro. Target allows you to stack store and manufacturer coupons so you can use both coupons together. Prices might vary by location so I am only listing the possible savings. Most of these games are regularly priced around $10 so they will be really cheap after the coupons.
Possible savings:
Monopoly - total savings of $8
- $4 off from Coupons.com
- $4 off from Target.com
Connect 4 - total savings of $9
- $4 off from Coupons.com
- $4 off from Target.com
Simon Flash - total savings of $10
- $5 off from Coupons.com
- 5 off from Target.com
Scrabble Flash - total savings of $10
- $5 off from Coupons.com
- $5 off from Target.com
Yahtzee Flash - total savings of $10
- $5 off from Coupons.com
- $5 off from Target.com
Bop It XT - total savings of $10
- $5 off from Coupons.com
- $5 off from Target.com
I've been having some trouble printing from Target.com tonight but hopefully it's just my computer and not the Target.
UPDATE: I was finally able to print the coupons from Target.com and they are manufacturer's coupons, not Target coupons. This means you can't stack them. Sorry about that.
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