Shared Reading: Best Stock-Up Prices for Back to School Sales


With all the back to school sales already beginning, you might be wondering what prices to expect. Surviving the Stores has created a pretty in-depth list of school supplies and the common prices you can expect to see over the summer into the beginning of September.

I think some of her numbers are on the high end of the estimates, but I do think it's a great start to help readers know what to wait on. Unless you need a specific item tomorrow, keep an eye out and wait for the sales. It will be worth it because they hold off on the more popular items until closer to the start of the new school year.

  • Ream of Copy/Printer Paper - You should never have to pay more than $1 per ream if you stock up during sales. This might be a flat out price or a rebate/reward but you will find cheap paper.
  • Calculators - As a math teacher, I highly recommend the Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS 2-Line Scientific Calculator. Normally around $20, you can find it during August for only about $8. I like it best because it has the same key entry as the graphing calculators your child will use in high school. It makes the transition much easier.  It also displays what is being typed to prevent costly mistakes on tests.
  • Backpacks/Computer Bags - I've seen bags go as low as free after rewards.  If you see a 100% back offer, I recommend buying a new bag. You never know when you'll want it for a day in the park or an overnight trip.
  • Anything Else - Most items are normally priced at $1 or above.  If you see the penny or nickel price tags, it's probably a good deal.  Just don't get suckered into buying something you don't need.  Consider donating penny deals to a local school supplies drive.  Some office stores will even have a donation box set up for the local schools.

See the full list of best stock-up prices at Surviving the Stores.


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