If you are preparing for college, or know someone that is, I recommend checking out the article 5 Things You Shouldn’t Buy For Your College-Bound Kid on The Consumerist. The article lists five items that most of us would assume college students need.
Two decades on, printers are even less essential, with a large number of professors accepting papers and other class assignments via e-mail.Before you buy a printer for yourself, look into your school's printing situation. My college had a computer lab in each resident hall where students could print. The quality was better than a cheap inkjet and the per sheet cost was more reasonable than buying paper and ink all the time.
As DealNews points out, affordable tablets are not yet laptop replacements. And those tablets that can replace a laptop are incredibly expensive, so you might as well just get your kid a laptop.Most affordable tablets are just large cell phones without the ability to make calls. The tablets offer games, streaming videos, and a few other things. The processing speed and memory size will not allow a student to take good notes or do actual research at a fast rate.
To see the other three items to avoid when shopping for college, head over to The Consumerist and read the entire article.
Source: The Consumerist
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