Repeating their deal from last year, CVS is offering a free green tag after Extra Care Bucks. It's a great time to pick one up if you don't already have one. They show the green tag on the handle of a reusable bag, but I keep mine on the keychain with my CVS card so that I can use any bag.
You can use any re-usable shopping bag, re-use a plastic bag from a previous purchase, or simply carry out your items. Anytime you decline a one-time use plastic bag, you will receive a Green Bag Tag credit.
This tag will earn you $1 every four visits to the store when you bring your bag. If you shop at CVS, this is a great deal because that equals $0.25 for each time you shop, more than the $0.05 that most stores offer for using your own bags.
Even if you already own one, this is a great time to pick up an extra one. Your green tag count is connected to your extra care card so you won't have to start over with a different green tag. Leave one in your car in case you forget the other one at home. Or give it as a gift with a reusable bag to a friend. There are so many different reasons to have an extra tag.
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